How to use eclipse debugger spigot
How to use eclipse debugger spigot

how to use eclipse debugger spigot

Open the debug launch configuration dialog using Run->Debug., select "Remote Java Application", and click the button for creating a new launch configuration. Create a launch configuration for a "Remote Java Application": Select the project from step one. If the Eclipse instance used for debugging is set up differently, you may have to change your target platform (Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform) before opening the Plug-ins view.Ģ. This will create a project called "External Plug-in Libraries" that matches your currently running Eclipse instance. If you want to play it safe, I recommend creating a project as follows: Open the Plug-ins view, select all, and pick "Add to Java Search" from the context menu. Make sure that the code in the project matches the exact version of your running Eclipse. The debugger needs a project when creating the launch configuration because otherwise it would not be able to look up classes and their source code. We will be debugging what is called a "Remote Java Application". Pick a project containing the Eclipse code you want to debug. To attach an external debugger, start another instance of Eclipse and follow these steps:ġ. Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n If you start Eclipse by running the executable directly, you can put the options in your eclipse.ini file instead like this: For issues during startup, you want to use suspend=y so that the VM waits for you to connect a debugger before it starts running Eclipse. Note how we use suspend=n to let Eclipse start without waiting for a debugger to connect. vmargs -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n With a Sun VM, the following magic command line does the trick: To be able to connect a debugger to Eclipse, it has to be started in debug mode. How to run Eclipse so that you can attach an external debugger 5 Debug cases where Eclipse does not prompt for a workspace and always starts with the default.4 Debug "Widget is disposed" exceptions.2 Adding to code that is not checked out.1 How to run Eclipse so that you can attach an external debugger.

How to use eclipse debugger spigot